@fiekie247 at the end of the Day its all Luck. For me a clear Bonus Buy Game. I didnt won 1000x either with all the Buys i did. Hopefully you will have better luck and a Big Win is nearby. maybe 1 out of 10 pops off. i dont know . sometimes just miney back, cant really tell. had also a 15 buy just like 10x oder 20x streak. as i said. Just volatile. Had also like 2 buys in a row with 300x and 500x win . Check page 4 .

I mean getting a bonus its really really hard and when? you get its not paying to. I spent around 200 300 euro and didnt get clear thing ??

- ?Feedback: (not required)
- Xbet: 49x
- casino:?bm.bet
- Replay link: https://fkivsk.hrqhregkxq.net/woDfpTHC2L ?
- Image: https://imgur.com/a/lcV3ScF
- Xbet: 408x
- Replay link: https://fkivsk.hrqhregkxq.net/BNz0dP0aQC ?
- Image: https://imgur.com/GQOMNbv
Casino: Leo Vegas?
Forgot to add that ???

Posted by: @geissbock@admin - are u here? 🧐 🧐 🧐 🧐 🧐?
Yes but don't have time to answer questions as I get bombarded every day lol. I feel everything is clearly stated in the rules, if that is what you are curious about? Cheers.

@admin - Thanks for your appreciated reply and nice to read you again. I know the rules and have read them. I'm just surprised that all the prizes say “amazon voucher” except for the 24x 100€ draw. Are they not Amazon vouchers?
the other thing was: can the prize really only be posted on the last day? I don't think many people think that's good, but according to the rules it seems to be the case. Sometimes mistakes do creep in. Often the rule was that the prize had to be posted on the same day it was won. Cheers! 🖐️ 🍺?

Played on Stake
Feedback: (not required)
Xbet: 3877x
Replay link: https://fkivsk.hrqhregkxq.net/nh3lPb3bMM